Ignore the Bank, Go With Replacement Cost
Everyday agents are asked, well required, by banks to provide Coverage A limits in excess of the developed replacement cost. Why are such requests made? So that Coverage A limits match the loan requirements of course. Mortgagees tend to forget that the loan buys more than just the structure; it includes the land and location, location, location. The buyer/mortgagor is paying for the view and access to the office and shopping in addition to the house. The insurance policy only pays to replace the house. When Insurance Strikes (Out): Underestimating Replacement Cost
Underinsurance is still a problem. According to CoreLogic approximately 60 percent of homes are underinsured by 20 percent on average. Obviously, this leads to devastating results for the insured, and possibly the agent from an E&O perspective. We know this in the industry, but now the NY Times is reporting it – and they are making serious charges. 11 things you need to do to prepare for a windstorm
While property damage and business interruption may be covered by your insurance policy, the loss of market share and a damaged reputation can cripple a company. …Read more |
Employee or Independent Contractor
Classifying a worker as either an “employee” or “independent contractor” is problematic for more than just workers’ compensation. In an attempt to minimize the problems and confusion, the Department of Labor has proposed the codification of five tests to help in classifying a particular worker as an employee or independent contractor. Although not necessarily developed for the insurance industry, these tests can be used for workers’ compensation clients. Three Ways Your Clients Increase Their Own Property Premiums
Bad decisions cause commercial property clients to pay higher property premiums. Sadly, the insured may not even recognize their poor choices. Worse still, agents can help clients identify their bad decisions with the right information. Small Business Insurance Basics
Insuring Your Home-Based Business Article Why Independent Contractors Need Liability InsuranceFinding Coverage that Matches Your Business Size Does My Business Need Flood Insurance? Home-Based Businesses Commercial Property
Take the Skills Test This skills test focuses on commercial property topics, including;
Small Business Insurance Basics
http://www.iii.org/es/insurance-topics/all-coverage-en-espanol |
The man who doesn’t reach decisions promptly when he has all necessary facts in hand cannot be depended on to carry out decisions after he makes them.
There is no one right answer — but an endless number of right answers — to most of life’s problems. Usually, your options are many and varied; the difficulty lies in choosing the best alternative from among many, all in a reasonable time frame. If you devote yourself to making small decisions promptly, you will find it much easier to be decisive when the stakes are much bigger. Most important, you’ll find making decisions and acting on them far easier if you act promptly.
There is no one right answer — but an endless number of right answers — to most of life’s problems. Usually, your options are many and varied; the difficulty lies in choosing the best alternative from among many, all in a reasonable time frame. If you devote yourself to making small decisions promptly, you will find it much easier to be decisive when the stakes are much bigger. Most important, you’ll find making decisions and acting on them far easier if you act promptly.
Success requires no explanation; failures must be doctored with alibis.
The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures. Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.
The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures. Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.
Friends must be grown to order — not taken for granted.
Your friends will be what you make them. If you are the kind of friend who freely gives of your time and always shows consideration for others, your friends will be generous and kind. If you are the kind of person who takes your friends for granted, neither giving nor expecting much in return, you will attract friends who exhibit the same qualities. In friendship, like attracts like. Assess your behavior occasionally to determine what kind of friend you are. Are you the kind of person you would like to have as a friend? Do you freely give more than you expect in return, or are you always asking and never giving? Do you take the time to stay in touch, to remember friends’ special occasions? When you become so consumed with your own interests that you forget about your friends, you are well on your way to becoming friendless.
Your friends will be what you make them. If you are the kind of friend who freely gives of your time and always shows consideration for others, your friends will be generous and kind. If you are the kind of person who takes your friends for granted, neither giving nor expecting much in return, you will attract friends who exhibit the same qualities. In friendship, like attracts like. Assess your behavior occasionally to determine what kind of friend you are. Are you the kind of person you would like to have as a friend? Do you freely give more than you expect in return, or are you always asking and never giving? Do you take the time to stay in touch, to remember friends’ special occasions? When you become so consumed with your own interests that you forget about your friends, you are well on your way to becoming friendless.
You can’t control others’ acts, but you can control your reaction to their acts, and that is what counts most to you.
No one can make you feel any negative emotion — fear, anger, or inferiority — without your express permission. There will always be people who find perverse enjoyment in upsetting others, or who simply play upon your emotions so that they can use you for their own selfish purposes. Whether or not they are successful depends entirely upon you and how you react to their negative behaviors. When you are forced to deal with such people, recognize from the outset that they are trying to upset you, not because of something you may have done to them, but because of some problem they have with themselves. Tell yourself, “This isn’t about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life.”
No one can make you feel any negative emotion — fear, anger, or inferiority — without your express permission. There will always be people who find perverse enjoyment in upsetting others, or who simply play upon your emotions so that they can use you for their own selfish purposes. Whether or not they are successful depends entirely upon you and how you react to their negative behaviors. When you are forced to deal with such people, recognize from the outset that they are trying to upset you, not because of something you may have done to them, but because of some problem they have with themselves. Tell yourself, “This isn’t about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life.”